About The Camera

How do you tell the difference between the two birds?

The best way to tell the difference between the two is that Melon is a much smaller bird, with a lighter yellow hue and a longer tail.
Pudding is much larger and a deeper yellow with a slightly shorter tail.

What are Melon & Pudding's active hours?

The birds will have a bedtime anywhere between 9:00 (21:00) PM EST to 11:00 (23:00) PM EST.
During this time, the camera goes into night vision, so you can still see them.

They will be woken up anywhere from 9:00 AM EST to 12:00 PM EST when I take the sheet off their cage.

Why is there no audio/Why did the video go black?

Audio will no longer be available due to privacy reasons. The birds are located in my office, and I would like
to be able to speak without everyone listening to me.

The video going black could be happening for a number of reasons. Other than simply privacy, there may be
times when I am simply moving the camera to another location or fixing something. It will usually go back up soon.

Where did the birds go?

Sometimes the birds may be missing or appear to be missing from the cage. This can be due to a number of reasons including
things like me letting them out of the cage, taking them to the vet, or even something as simple as them being off camera.

What do you do for the birds?

I do a couple things to make sure the birds are happy and healthy every day.

When are Melon & Pudding's birthdays?

Melon's birthday is September 12th, 2023. Pudding's hatch date is unknown, but believed to be around August 2023.

Why is this site called "lemonpudding.cam" if the little bird is named Melon?

There used to be another bird in here that Pudding was bonded with named Lemon. She was a very sweet young budgie who
was sadly attacked by my cat while my mom had her back turned and I was at work. Normally, the door would've been closed
however the winter chill had us leave it open for a bit to make my room warmer for the birds. Unfortunely, while my mother was
getting dressed, my cat ripped Lemon from the cage and proceeded to bite her and break her leg. My mother and I did everything we
could, I even left work, to save her life. Sadly, we weren't fast enough, and she didn't make it. It's an unfortunate accident that
my own fault. Her ashes now sit on my desk, watching over Pudding and his new friend.

My cat is no longer able to enter the room as there is a baby gate up, and the door to the room is only open when myself or my
mother are home and awake. The baby gate always remains closed, no matter who is inside the room. My cat has been no where near the
birds since.

Pudding was alone for awhile, and wasn't the happiest like that. After allowing him time to greive, I purchased Melon, a
hand fed budgie from a good breeder and pet store. After a bit, he was added to the cage on December 22nd, 2023.

If there are any major issues with the camera, please contact PokeCat.
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Melon gently preening Pudding while Pudding fluffs up in happiness.

The two birds sleeping.

Melon and Pudding cuddling together in the food dish. The birds having a snack.

The birds lovingly preening each other. Comfy birds.