Meet Pudding

Hello, my name is Pudding!

I am a yellow Lutino budgie with a love for food and fun! I can often be found flying around the cage, swinging around,
and singing for Melon and my owner. I'm super talkitive and am the alpha of the cage.

I'm still kind of scared of hands, but have tried my best in the past. I'm able to be bribed a little with millet,
of course! I sometimes come out of the cage and have landed on my owner once. It was a little scary, but also fun!

I came from Petco in the day before Halloween in 2023. My best friend Lemon came with me. I was really sad when she
disappeared, but I know I'll see her again one day.
I'm happy Melon is here now, we take care of each other. Sometimes, I'm a little more pushy to Melon than I should be,
but I do love him.

If there are any major issues with the camera, please contact PokeCat.
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Pudding sitting pretty.

Pudding going to town on an apple. Pudding landing on his owner and doing a cute desk spin.